Virginia Cooperative Extension has a fun summer planned for the youth in Northumberland and Lancaster counties.
Upcoming activities will include a 4-H Babysitting Class for ages 11-13. The class will be held Thursday, July 5, at the Northern Neck Family YMCA, 39 William B. Graham Court, Kilmarnock, reported intern Caroline Campbell. The fee is $5.
Healthy Living Camp, for ages 9-13, will be held August 14 at the Northumberland Public Library, 7204 Northumberland Highway, Healthsville, and August 16 at Heathsville UMC, 39 Courthouse Road, Heathsville, said Campbell. The fee is $15. Activities will include yoga, cooking and a “Health Rocks” program.
Cloverbuds Build, for ages 5-8, will be held August 7 at the Northumberland County Extension Office, 7154 Northumberland Highway, Heathsville, she said. Activities will include games, snacks and two different woodworking projects. The fee is $5.
To register, contact the Northumberland County office, 580-5694, or the Lancaster County office, 462-5780, or 4-H Extension agent Tara Brent,