by LaDonna Hale Curzon
Normally, in the Northern Neck, the only wildlife to be cautious about are deer. Hitting deer while driving happens a lot.
Now you can add another animal to beware in the area. There have been several bear sightings this week. Reedville resident John Manning Jett woke up one morning last week and discovered that his backyard had been disturbed.
He found steel trash cans with dents and claw marks. A container holding grain was tipped over and grain spread all over the ground. The evidence that a bear was responsible for the mess was plain to see but since bears are rarely seen in the Northern Neck, Jett set up a game camera. He captured the bear staring directly at the camera lens. Jett was so fixated with the bear that he named him George.
Further examination of the pictures indicate there also may be two cubs.
George the bear is now Georgette….