Thursday, February 6, 2025
48.8 F

This weeks Calendar 1-5-17

January 5-12

5 Thursday

AA, 8 p.m. De Sales Hall and Kilmarnock UMC.

Al-Anon, 8 p.m. Kilmarnock Baptist. 588-9224.

Volunteers Needed, 8 a.m.-2 p.m. Help Lancaster/Northumberland Habitat for Humanity build a house. 435-3461, or

Heathsville Forge Blacksmith Guild, 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Rice’s Hotel/Hughlett’s Tavern. 580-3377.

Grief Support Group, 2 p.m. Henderson UMC, Callao.

Bay Tones Barbershop Chorus, 7-8:30 p.m. St. Andrews Presbyterian, Kilmarnock. Rehearsals. New singers welcome.

Duplicate Bridge, 1 p.m. Woman’s Club of White Stone. $4. 435-6207.

American Legion Post 117, executive board 10 a.m., membership 10:30 a.m. Post 117, 39 American Legion Way, Reedville. Lunch.

An Afternoon With Cokie Roberts And Civil War Capital Dames, 1:30 p.m. Good Luck Cellars, 1025 Good Luck Road, Kilmarnock. Sponsor: Mary Ball Washington Museum & Library. Lecture, book signing. Advance tickets required; lecture tickets, $45; VIP tickets, $100, including a meet-and-greet brunch. Purchase tickets at, or 462-7280.

Lancaster School Facilities Meeting, 6:30 p.m. LCPS Annex, 235 School Street, Kilmarnock.

White Stone Town Council, 7 p.m. Town Hall, 433 Rappahannock Drive, White Stone. Public hearing: Community Development Block Grant application.

Northern Neck Survivors Of Suicide Loss, 7:30 p.m. Bay Center for Spiritual Development, 31 Noblett Lane, Kilmarnock. Peer-to-peer group grief support following the suicide of a loved one. To meet on first Thursdays. 761-1838.

6 Friday

AA, noon. Trinity Episcopal, Lancaster.

AA, 8 p.m. Calvary Baptist, Kilmarnock.

AA, 8 p.m. St. Andrews Presbyterian, Kilmarnock.

Al-Anon, noon. Bay Center for Spiritual Development, 31 Noblett Lane, Kilmarnock. 588-9224.

Tavern Woodworker’s Guild, 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Rice’s Hotel/Hughlett’s Tavern, 73 Monument Place, Heathsville. 580-3377.

Connection Support Group, 2-3:30 p.m. 84 Main Street, Warsaw. National Alliance on Mental Illness, Mid-Tidewater Chapter. 480-0355.

First Friday Art Reception, 5-7 p.m. Rappahannock Art League Studio Gallery, 19 North Main Street, Kilmarnock. Exhibit: You be the Judge. The public votes on work by RAL members. Meet exhibiting artists. Refreshments.

“On Taking The Road Less Traveled: The Bill Martz Story,” 7 p.m. Northumberland Public Library, 7204 Northumberland Highway, Heathsville. Speaker: Theresa Martz, Topic: Joys and challenges of Bill’s artistic journey.

7 Saturday

AA, 8 p.m. Irvington Baptist.

AA, 8 p.m. Heathsville UMC.

AA, 8 p.m. Henderson UMC.

Heathsville Forge Blacksmith Guild, 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Rice’s Hotel/Hughlett’s Tavern. 580-3377.

Tavern Spinners & Weavers, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Rice’s Hotel/Hughlett’s Tavern, 73 Monument Place, Heathsville. Studio and store open. 435-2414.

Teen Paint Night, 6:30-8:30 p.m. Rappahannock Art League Studio Gallery, 19 North Main Street, Kilmarnock. Instructor: Marilyn Sprouse. Project Twinkling Sky Silhoutte with paint on canvas. Register at the gallery, or 436-9309.

Just Smile, Sandie Turner Musical Tribute, 7:30-11 p.m. Kilmarnock Firehouse 71 School Street, Kilmarnock. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. Members of the Robbin Thompson Band, Julius Pittman & the Revival and the Soul Expressions. Bring chairs. $20 per person. Purchase tickets at Noblett’s Appliance and Hair Design Studio, both in Kilmarnock; or Beer, wine, spirits and other beverages will be sold.

8 Sunday

AA, 7:30 p.m. White Stone UMC.

AA, 5:30 p.m. Henderson UMC.

Widowed Persons Luncheon, Anna’s Pizza, Kilmarnock. After church. 453-6824.

9 Monday

AA, noon. Palmer Hall.

AA, 8 p.m. Fairfields Baptist.

Weight Watchers, 5:30 p.m. St. Andrews Presbyterian, Kilmarnock.

Bird Walk, 9 a.m. Vir-Mar Beach, Vir-Mar Beach Road, Northumberland County. Sponsor: Northern Neck Audubon Society. 462-0084.

Blood Pressure Screenings, 9-11 a.m. Northern Neck Family YMCA, 39 William B. Graham Court, Kilmarnock. Sponsors: YMCA, Bon Secours Rappahannock General Hospital.

Northern Neck Neuro-muscular Support Group, 10:30 a.m. Beale Memorial Baptist Church, 19622 Tidewater Trail, Tappahannock. 580-7315.

Alzheimer’s Association Caregivers Support Group, 4:30-6:30 p.m. Rappahannock Westminster-Canterbury, 132 Lancaster Drive, Irvington.

Chicken Dinner, 5-6:30 p.m. American Legion Post 117, 39 American Legion Way, Reedville. $10 adults, $5 for ages 11 and younger. Menu: fried chicken, mashed potatoes, gravy, green beans, baked beans, salad, rolls, soft drinks, iced tea and desserts.

Northumberland School Board, 6 p.m. NHS auditorium, 201 Academic Lane, Claraville.

Kilmarnock Planning Commission, 7 p.m. Town Hall, 1 North Main Street, Kilmarnock.

Northern Neck Beekeepers, 7 p.m. St. Stephen’s Episcopal Parish Hall, Heathsville.

10 Tuesday

Al-Anon AFG, 4:30 p.m. Kilmarnock Baptist Church.

Alateen, 4:30 p.m. Kilmarnock Baptist Church.

AA, 7 and 8 p.m. Palmer Hall.

AA, 7 p.m. St. Mary’s White Chapel Episcopal.

AL-ANON, 7:30 p.m. Lower UMC. 776-9799.

Kilmarnock & District Pipe Band, 7 p.m. Campbell Memorial Presbyterian, Weems. 462-7125.

Volunteers Needed, 8 a.m.-2 p.m. Help Lancaster/Northumberland Habitat for Humanity build a house. 435-3461, or

Heathsville Forge Blacksmith Guild, 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Rice’s Hotel/Hughlett’s Tavern. 580-3377.

Aphasia Group, 11 a.m. Bon Secours Rappahannock General Hospital Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine Center, 43 William B. Graham Court, Kilmarnock. $40 per month, or $10 per session.

Veterans’ Breakfast, 9 a.m. Commonwealth Assisted Living at Farnham, 511 Cedar Grove Road, Farnham. RSVP, 394-2102.

Fundamentals Of Photography, 10-11:30 a..m. Rappahannock Art League, Studio gallery, 19 North Main Street, Kilmarnock. Instructor: Bill Reckert. Continues Tuesdays and Thursdays through February 9. $150 RAL members, $175 others. Register at the gallery, or 436-9303.

Northern Neck Master Naturalists General Meeting, 1 p.m. Belle Isle State Park, 1632 Belle Isle Road, Lancaster. Speaker, 2 p.m.: Faye Andrashko.

Duplicate Bridge, 1 p.m. Lancaster Woman’s Club. $4. 435-6207.

Lancaster School Board, 6:30 p.m. LCPS Annex, 235 School Street, Kilmarnock.

Lancaster County Lions Club, 7 p.m. Anna’s Restaurant, 150 Old Fair Grounds Way, Kilmarnock.

Marine Corps League, 7:30 p.m. Moose Lodge Family Center, Callao.

11 Wednesday

AA, 7:30 p.m. Trinity Episcopal, Lancaster.

AA, noon. Women’s meeting, Irvington UMC.

Kiwanis Club, 7:30 a.m. St. Andrews Presbyterian, Kilmarnock.

Rotary Breakfast Club, 7:30 a.m. Lee’s Restaurant, Kilmarnock.

Rotary Club, 12:30 p.m. Rappahannock Westminster-Canterbury.

Tavern Spinners & Weavers, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Rice’s Hotel/Hughlett’s Tavern, 73 Monument Place, Heathsville. Studio and store open. 435-2414.

Reptiles Alive! 9:30 a.m. Chesapeake Academy Performing Arts and Lecture Series, Chesapeake Academy, 107 Steamboat Road, Irvington. Ages 3-grade 4. Reservations, 438-5575, or

Northern Neck Soil & Water Conservation District Board, 12:30 p.m. Richmond County Public Meeting Room, 101 Court Circle, Warsaw.

Parkinson’s Support Group, 1 p.m. Rappahannock Westminster-Canterbury, 132 Lancaster Drive, Irvington. Speaker: RW-C wellness coordinator Jonathan Smith. Program: Exercises. Tour: RW-C Wellness Center. 435-9553.

Middle Peninsula Solar Co-op Information Session, 6 p.m. Lancaster Community Library,16 Town Centre Drive, Kilmarnock. Open to residents of Lancaster and surrounding counties. Speaker: Aaron Sutch.

Richie Beard, 8-midnight. KC’s Crabs & Cues, 10428 Jessie duPont Memorial Highway, Kilmarnock. 435-7665.

12 Thursday

AA, 8 p.m. De Sales Hall and Kilmarnock UMC.

Al-Anon, 8 p.m. Kilmarnock Baptist. 588-9224.

Volunteers Needed, 8 a.m.-2 p.m. Help Lancaster/Northumberland Habitat for Humanity build a house. 435-3461, or

Heathsville Forge Blacksmith Guild, 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Rice’s Hotel/Hughlett’s Tavern. 580-3377.

Grief Support Group, 2 p.m. Henderson UMC, Callao.

Bay Tones Barbershop Chorus, 7-8:30 p.m. St. Andrews Presbyterian, Kilmarnock. Rehearsals. New singers welcome.

Network Brunch, 10 a.m. Commonwealth Senior Living at Farnham, 511 Cedar Grove Road, Farnham. RSVP, 394-2102.

Duplicate Bridge, 1 p.m. Woman’s Club of White Stone. $4. 435-6207.

Cancer Support Group, 3-4 p.m. Oncology Room, Cancer Center, Bon Secours Rappahannock General Hospital, 101 Harris Road, Kilmarnock.

Alzheimer’s Caregiver Support Group, 6:30-7:30 p.m. Abilities Abound, 765 Northumberland Highway, Callao. 695-9382.

Northumberland Supervisors, 5 p.m. Northumberland County Courts Building, 39 Judicial Place, Heathsville. Public hearings, 7 p.m.

Irvington Town Council, 7:30 p.m. Town Office, 235 Steamboat Road, Irvington.

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