2010 WELLS CARGO V front box trailer, 6×12. Single axle. Double door rear. People door. Roof vent. Openable window. Insulated walls and ceiling. Removable camping set up with hanging closets, bunks and cabinets. Floor needs repair, $2000. 804-580-3915..(Sept-5-4t)SS
GEHL SKIDLOADER: 1897 hrs., Perkins diesel 52HP, runs good, with bucket, grapple, forklift. New tires, hoses, injectors. $15,000/OBO. Call 240-988-7874 in Heathsville..(Sept-5-3t)
GOLF: Set of GOLF CLUBS with nice bag and new golf balls for only $90. Call 804-436-1716..(Jun-13-tf)
QUICK’S PREMIUM FIREWOOD: Better than ever! $160 delivered pickup truck load. 804-815-0883..(Aug-8-13t)