Parade winners
The 38th Annual Kilmarnock Lighted Christmas Parade, “A River Christmas,” was held December 9. Smith Point Sea Rescue was recognized was the grand marshal.
The Lancaster by the Bay Chamber of Commerce congratulates the parade winners, said executive director Anne Paparella.
Winners are:
• Grand Marshal’s Award, best presentation of theme, Knights of Columbus.
• Spirit of Christmas Award, best non-commercial entry, Mt. Olive Baptist Church.
• Judges Award, best use of lighting, Ambrose Disposal Service.
• Chamber of Commerce Award, best commercial entry, Farm and Home Supply.
• Youth Award, best youth entry, The Learning Center Child Care and Preschool.
• Scout Award, best Scout group, Northumberland and Lancaster Girl Scout troops.
• Church Award, best church group, Awana Northern Neck Baptist Church.
• Ryan Wilcox Award, best emergency vehicle, Fairfields Volunteer Fire Department.
• Best Equestrian Award, Judy Brown and Boomer.
The Chamber also thanks the parade sponsors, Tri-Star Super Market, Lancaster County Board of Supervisors and Lancaster County Economic Development Authority, Dominion Virginia Power, Two Rivers Communication, and the Town of Kilmarnock, and everyone who participated to make this parade such a memorable one, said Paparella.