by Jackie Nunnery
LANCASTER—Following public hearings Thursday, April 30, on the proposed tax levies, and school and county budgets for fiscal 2020-21, the Lancaster board of supervisors set an adoption session for 7 p.m. today, May 7.
During the hearing, residents George Bott and Charlie Costello both spoke in favor of the budgets. There were no comments opposed.
Bott said the school budget represents the “realities of a declining population” and that the adoption of level funding into the next fiscal year was an “appropriate response” by the board given the current circumstances. Costello said he “supported the whole thing” when it came to level funding for the county.
The proposed school budget of $16,948,297, approved by the school board in February, asks for the same level of funding from the county, $11,724,057, as in the current budget.
For the county budget, supervisors also are moving forward with level funding from the current…