LANCASTER—The Lancaster County Circuit Court convened Friday, June 9, with the Hon. R. Michael McKenney presiding.
In the case of Alkendra S. Coleman of Mollusk, who previously pleaded guilty to an amended felony charge of distributing to accommodate a Schedule I/II substance and was given a deferred disposition, a hearing was scheduled for July 7. Coleman also is charged with a felony for violating probation. A show cause hearing on that charge also is scheduled at that time.
In the case of Brian L. Brooks of White Stone, charged with a felony for violating probation, a felony for assault and battery of a family member, third-plus offense, and a misdemeanor for violating probation, a trial was scheduled for August 11.
In the case of Deondre T. Lampkin of Heathsville, charged with a felony for grand larceny; a felony for entering a structure to….