by Madison White Franks
LANCASTER—The Lancaster County Circuit Court convened August 31 with the Hon. R. Michael McKenney presiding.
Deondre Lampkin of Heathsville, charged with three felonies of a probation violation and two counts of failing to appear in court, was sentenced to 5 years with 4 years and 8 months suspended on the violation charge and also was sentenced to 60 days on a failure to appear charge.
The case of Curt Dowdy of Farnham, charged with a felony probation violation, was continued to October 26.
Percell E. Noel of Heathsville, charged with a felony of manufacturing or distributing a controlled substance, was not prosecuted at the time of trial.
The case of Curtis M. Mitchell of King George, charged with five felonies of selling or providing resale of a schedule I or II drug, was continued to November 30.
The case of Jerod S. Gamble of Hampton, charged with two felonies of selling or providing resale of a schedule I or II drug, was continued to November 30, however, a capias warrant was issued for September 14.
August 24
The Lancaster County Circuit Court also convened August 24 with the Hon. R. Michael McKenney presiding.
The case of Phillip E. Dean of White Stone, charged with two felony probation violations, was continued to October 26.
The case of Josaline Murphy of Lancaster, charged with a felony violation of a pre-trial release, was continued for show cause September 28.
The case of Karon M. Ball (no address given), charged with two felonies of grand larceny and entering a house to commit assault and battery, was continued to October 26.