LANCASTER—Franklin Andrews will have to abandon plans for building a home on a Morattico lot after the Lancaster board of supervisors on Thursday, July 27, unanimously denied his request to build within the 100-foot resource protection area (RPA) of the Chesapeake Bay Preservation Act (CBPA).
According to Andrews’ application and site plan submitted to the county, almost the entire lot is within the 50-foot seaward RPA. The .65-acre residential medium parcel at Morattico Road and Saltwater Drive has frontage on Mulberry Creek.
County administrator Don Gill said the small portion of the lot not within the 50-foot RPA is where an engineered septic system would be installed. He added that while “the only buildable area on the lot is within the 50-foot seaward RPA, it is 117 feet away from the open waters of Mulberry….