by Audrey Thomasson
LANCASTER—The Lancaster board of supervisors last week unanimously rejected a proposal to move $2 million in capital improvement funds from projected 2019 fiscal year expenditures to 2018. As proposed, the funding would have been applied to the construction of a $2.1 million emergency operations center (EOC).
Several people in the community testified against the proposal, including two candidates for supervisor in the November 7 general election. No one spoke in favor of the measure.
District 5 candidate Dr. Robert Westbrook called the move “altruism” and “leaving a legacy” for those board members who are retiring from the board. Noting that the election is just days away, Westbrook asked the board not to “fast track a decision. If the need is appropriate, the new board will approve it,” he said. “Leave the CIP decision to next year because that is the right thing to do.”
District 1 candidate George Bott addressed the need for an overall county infrastructure plan.
“Without a plan, how do we know where we’re going and where we want to be?” he asked.
He warned against rushing into decisions that have later proved to be costly because of poor planning and choices.
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