by Lisa Hinton-Valdrighi
Retired U.S. Air Force Lt. Col. Ronald G. McManus hopes the real meaning of Memorial Day isn’t overshadowed by the barbecues, picnics and family gatherings.
“Although many people will approach me in this uniform on Memorial Day and thank me for my service, the day for that is Veteran’s Day,” he said. “Memorial Day is about remembering those that we have lost during their service.
“The ones we’ve lost weren’t all in combat,” he said. “Many were lost in training exercises and non-combat.”
Lt. Col. McManus, who continues to serve the Air Force as the Air Force JROTC instructor at Lancaster High School, was the guest speaker at the 28th annual Memorial Day Ceremony at Bethel United Methodist Church in Lively. The service is sponsored by the Bethel/Emmanuel United Methodist Men.
Typically held in the Bethel UMC cemetery, the service was moved inside to the sanctuary because of threatening weather…