by AnnGardner Eubank

A blast from the past and a blast of flavor: Northern Neck Sauce hits both of those marks.
Calvin Parker and his wife, Angela, have resurrected a community treasure with the production of their sauce which follows the recipe of the legendary William Crosby, the late owner of the former Crosby’s Snack Bar on Mary Ball Road between White Stone and Kilmarnock.
Parker, the grandson of William Crosby, jumped into the project head first in 2020 with the support of his wife after discussing the idea for years.
“We were talking about it for years and for a while it seemed like there were too many obstacles. In 2020 I said ‘I’m just gonna do it,’” said Parker.
Once the Parkers got the kitchen in their Richmond home serve-safety approved, they got to whipping up batches of sauce, trying to perfectly emulate Crosby’s distinct and one-of-a-kind….