HEATHSVILLE—The Northumberland County Circuit Court convened Tuesday, September 5, with the Hon. R. Michael McKenney presiding.
In the case of Cory F. Flannery of Callao, charged with the distribution/selling for profit of Schedule I/II drugs, a trial was carried over to December 5.
In the case of Andrea B. Landman of Callao, charged with two counts of selling/distributing Schedule IV drugs, a status hearing was set for September 26.
In the case of Steven T. Hensley of Callao, charged with four counts of aggravated sexual battery to a victim 13 years or younger and two counts of object sexual penetration to a victim 13 years or younger, a pre-trial motion was denied and a status hearing was set for September 26.
In the case of Kai R. Renton of Heathsville, charged with two counts of possession with intent to manufacture/etc. a Schedule I/II substance and two counts of construction fraud by advance pay, a trial was continued to September 12. Renton also faces misdemeanor charges of obtaining money under false pretenses and working without a license/violating construction regulations.
August 29 proceedings
The Northumberland County Circuit Court convened Tuesday, August 29, with the Hon. Steven S. Smith presiding.
In the case of Daniel H. Wingo of Lottsburg, charged with malicious assault to a member of law enforcement, a trial was carried over to October 31.
In the case of Johnshonika J. Gregory of Heathsville, charged with not reporting an accident resulting in death, a trial was set for October 31. Gregory also faces a misdemeanor charge of driving on a suspended or revoked license.
In the case of Isac O. Lewis of Hague, charged with two counts of probation violation on a felony offense, a trial was set for October 31.
In the case of Ernest E. Adams of Reedville, charged with two counts of distribution/selling of Schedule I/II drugs, a trial was set for October 31.