HEATHSVILLE—After a lengthy public hearing with strong opinions on both sides, the Northumberland planning commission on Thursday, April 20, voted 8-0 to recommend county supervisors revise the zoning ordinance, requiring a conditional use permit for short-term rentals (STRs) in the residential restricted (R3) zoning district.
Among the STR operators who spoke, Glen Wiley of Mila pointed out the vetting of potential renters that takes place “to make sure that only folks that we want in our home are there” and the setting of rules “because we respect our neighbors.”
Real estate agent Ann Hergenreder agreed, saying “the rental is as good as the owner.” She added that STRs provide an opportunity for “people to fall in love with the area and ask what is there for me to buy?”
Jeff Bramblet, owner of Chitterchats in Reedville, welcomed the renters. “We get a ton of customers from the short-term rentals….