Middlesex Pet Friends For Life is participating with Funds2Orgs in a fundraiser and there is nothing to buy or sell.
“All we need is your support and new or gently used (or gently chewed) shoes,” said board member Margaret Gerdts.
The shoes collected will help support the shelter and are used to start and maintain microenterprises in developing countries like Ghana, Haiti and Bolivia, said Gerdts.
“Start in your family’s closets,” she said. “Gather pairs of shoes that hurt your feet, you’ve outgrown or are out of style. Then ask your friends, neighbors and/or co-workers to do the same. ”
On Saturday, June 3, Middlesex Pet Friends for Life will have a booth at the Irvington Farmers Market. There will be shelter dogs to meet and a donation box for those gently used shoes. Please bring shoes for the shelter. Every pair helps, she said.