LANCASTER—Following the Tuesday, June 21, filing deadline, at least three races are evolving for town council seats in two jurisdictions.
In Kilmarnock, Rebecca Nunn, Les Spivey, Curtis Smith and Chris Harris filed for three seats due election, according to a list of candidates posted by Susan P. Jett, general registrar and director of elections for Lancaster County. Thomas Watson is unopposed for a special election seat. Shawn Donahue is unopposed for mayor.
In Irvington, Phil Robinson, Ruth Fuller, Wayne Nunnally and Jackie Brown filed for three council seats due election. Gabe del Rio and Bonnie Schaschek filed for a special election seat.
In White Stone, Will Hubbard is unopposed for mayor while Jimmy Smith, Irving Brittingham, Ran Reeves and Charles Brocklebank filed for four seats due election.
NOTE: We apologize that the story in last week’s issue regarding candidates filing for town elections contained several errors and inadvertently omitted a candidate.