by Lisa Hinton-Valdrighi

Lancaster High’s wrestling team got off to a 5-2 start in the first week of action.
The Red Devils beat Northern Neck District opponents Washington & Lee and Northumberland in a home match to open the season on December 3 then headed to the Waynesboro Little Giant Classic, where they went 3-2 against larger school divisions.
In the season opener, Lancaster beat W&L, 54-12, and Northumberland, 42-18. At Waynesboro, the Devils defeated Grace Christian, 42-30; Waynesboro, 35-12, and a Bandit team, 48-18. Fort Defiance downed the Devils, 60-24, and Stuarts Draft beat LHS, 42-31.
“We are a young team as most of our team is comprised of first year wrestlers,” said LHS coach Craig Oren. “Not wrestling last year because of COVID puts us in a tough spot….