The Angel Visit Baptist Church of Dunnsville will host the 29th annual Essex County Community Celebration of the life and work of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. at 7 p.m. Monday, January 15.
The Rev. Carolyn W. Fisher, pastor of the Queen Esther Baptist Church, Mollusk, will preach. The Southside Rappahannock Baptist Association Choir under the direction of Marcellus Dungee will provide the music.
Held on the Martin Luther King holiday, this annual event celebrates the birth, the life, and the dream of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., reported Michael Gresham.
It is a time for all to remember the struggles of Dr. King and thousands of other Americans in the fight for freedom, equality and dignity for all races and peoples, said Gresham. The celebration provides a forum to reflect upon the past while seeking hope, determination, and an opportunity to act upon the promise of the future.