by Madison White Franks
Lancaster supervisors on June 14 reached a consensus regarding the proposed new school complex after VMDO Architects of Charlottesville made a presentation at a joint meeting with the school board. The session was held to discuss the school capital improvement funding request for fiscal year 2019.
Bob Moje and Bryce Powell of VMDO presented a long-range plan for the entire school system and a plan that would get the project going.
“We couldn’t be more excited about the idea of moving forward on this site and the opportunities that it is going to provide for the students of this county for generations to come,” said Moje.
The plan includes an integrated campus concept, split into phases. Phase 1 would include the building of a new 103,000-square-foot lower school to house pre-Kindergarten through fifth grade. Phase 2 would include the building of a 114,000-square-foot upper school, or combined middle and high schools…