Used to memorialize or pay tribute to a loved one, commemorate milestones and achievements, or just to simply outwardly display self expression and appreciation for art, tattoos serve a number of purposes. Now that The Alley Tattoo Studio at 99 Irvington Road, Kilmarnock, is open for business, achieving your tattoo aspirations are just an appointment away.

Tattoo artist Gary Kammeter opened his doors to The Alley Tattoo Studio the first of April after recognizing a demand for a tattoo shop in the area.
Kammeter previously worked as a tattoo artist at 138 Tattoo in Gloucester since August 2018, where he developed an impressive reputation and following.
From a young age, Kammeter said he knew he was artistically inclined and enjoyed painting and drawing. He even worked as a commissioned artist, working on primarily portraits, for about 15 years prior to getting his start in the tattoo industry.
After beginning his work as a tattoo artist in….