On Wednesday, January 30, six students, teachers Stacey Lee and Leah Fisher, principal Shelly Lipton, vice principal Dawn Taylor, Friends of Northumberland Public Library (NPL) members, library director Jane Blue and community outreach supervisor Arthur Newman launched the One School, One Read program.
The Friends of NPL delivered 390 books for the program, reported Blue. Friends members participating in the launch included president Sandy Heath, Roberta Jones, Shirley Haynie and Linda Morris. Students included Trenton Dameron, Ethan Dixon, Brice Woolard, Curtrina Weldon, Zytavius Gaskins and Leland Walker.
One School, One Read was started in 2002 in Richmond as a family literacy program and has expanded to suit district and statewide needs, she said. The program at Northumberland Public Schools, started 11 years ago by Lee, moved from the elementary school to the middle school in….