28 Thursday
AA, 8 p.m. De Sales Hall and Kilmarnock UMC.
Volunteers Needed, 8 a.m.-2 p.m. Help Lancaster/Northumberland Habitat for Humanity build a house. 435-3461, or
Heathsville Forge Blacksmith Guild, 10 a.m.-noon. Rice’s Hotel/Hughlett’s Tavern. 580-3377.
Bay Tones Barbershop Chorus, 7-8:30 p.m. St. Andrews Presbyterian, Kilmarnock. Rehearsals. New singers, men and women.
Story Time, 10 a.m. Northumberland Public Library, 7204 Northumberland Highway, Heathsville. Topic: “Those Crazy Cats!” Stories, crafts. Ages 3 and older. 580-5051.
Quilting Workshop, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Sewlovelee, 4504 Irvington, Road, Irvington. Topic: Moving Mountains of Scraps. Instructor: Lee Taylor. $20. Includes lunch, scrap pattern, starter bag of precut scraps, use of shop specialty rulers. Register at 438-5800, or
Open House & Orientation, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Historic Christ Church & Museum, 420 Christ Church Road, Weems. For new volunteers. Tour of the museum, research library and Christ Church; discussions with volunteers and staff. Lunch included. To volunteer contact director of programs and communications Robert Teagle at or 438-2443.
Caregiver Support Group, 10:30 a.m. Commonwealth Senior Living at Kilmarnock, 460 South Main Street, Kilmarnock. Sponsor: Alzheimer’s Association Greater Richmond Chapter. 967-2580.
Community Lunch, 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. Henderson UMC, 72 Henderson Drive, Callao. Northumberland Public Library Tech Mobile.
Duplicate Bridge, 1 p.m. Indian Creek Yacht & Country Club. 435-6207.
Dementia Friendly Information Session, 1-2 p.m. Lancaster Community Library, 16 Town Centre Drive, Kilmarnock. Speaker: Mary Arthur, Rappahannock Westminster-Canterbury’s dementia care coordinator.
Mahjong, 1-4 p.m. Woman’s Club of White Stone. $5. 438-6415.
Cancer Support Group, 3-4 p.m. Bon Secours Rappahannock General Hospital, 101 Harris Road, Kilmarnock. 580-9737.
Northern Neck Shaggers, 6 p.m. KC’s Crabs & Cues, 10428 Jessie duPont Memorial Highway, Kilmarnock. Beginner lesson, followed by beyond beginner lesson at 7 p.m., line dancing review and lesson at 8 p.m. and open dancing until 9 p.m.
Cameron Ashton, 6-8 p.m. Horn Harbor Restaurant, 836 Horn Harbor Road, Burgess. 453-3351.
Lancaster County Lions Club, 7 p.m. Indian Creek Yacht & Country Club, 362 Club Drive, Kilmarnock.
Lancaster Supervisors, 7 p.m. County Administration Building, 8311 Mary Ball Road, Lancaster.
Mackenzie Ruark, 7-9 p.m. Willaby’s, 327 Old Ferry Road, White Stone. 435-0000.
NNAllstars, 7:30-10:30 p.m. Kilmarnock BrewHaus, 44 West Church Street, Kilmarnock. 436-6207.
29 Friday
AA, noon. Trinity Episcopal, Lancaster.
AA, 8 p.m. Calvary Baptist, Kilmarnock.
AA, 8 p.m. St. Andrews Presbyterian, Kilmarnock.
Al-Anon, noon. Bay Center for Spiritual Development, 31 Noblett Lane, Kilmarnock. 588-9224.
Tavern Woodworker’s Guild, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Rice’s Hotel/Hughlett’s Tavern, 73 Monument Place, Heathsville. 580-3377.
Indoor Yard Sale, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Northumberland School Administration Building, 2172 Northumberland Highway, Lottsburg. To benefit Northumberland County Animal Shelter.
Veterans Appreciation, 11 a.m.-2 p.m. Lee’s Restaurant, 30 South Main Street, Kilmarnock. Sponsors: Cobbs Hall Chapter, NSDAR, Lee’s and Commonwealth Senior Living. Flags, lapel pins; coffee and pie, compliments of Commonwealth Senior Living.
FIRST Robotics Class, 4-5 p.m. Lancaster Community Library, 16 Town Centre Drive, Kilmarnock. Grades 7-12. Design, build and program robots for The FIRST Robotics Competition. Call Jessica Cutler, 296-6278. Walk-ins welcome.
Bob Wilson, 5-8 p.m. Good Luck Cellars, 1025 Goodluck Road, Kilmarnock. 435-1416.
Comedy Night Live, 7-9 p.m. Northumberland County Community Center Organization Club, 679 Brown Store Road, Heathsville. Performers: Richard “Dick” Saxer, Jalesa Thomas, Germaine Rollins. $10 advance, $12 at door. Light refreshments. BYOB. Advance tickets, 724-3240.
Soul Grind, 7:30-10:30 p.m. Kilmarnock BrewHaus, 44 West Church Street, Kilmarnock. 436-6207.
Tin Can Fish Band, 8-11 p.m. Willaby’s, 327 Old Ferry Road, White Stone. 435-0000.
30 Saturday
AA, 7:30 p.m. Irvington Baptist.
AA, 8 p.m. Heathsville UMC.
Heathsville Forge Blacksmith Guild, 10 a.m.-noon. Rice’s Hotel/Hughlett’s Tavern. 580-3377.
Tavern Spinners & Weavers, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Rice’s Hotel/Hughlett’s Tavern, 73 Monument Place, Heathsville. Studio and store open. 580-3377.
Indoor Yard Sale, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Northumberland School Administration Building, 2172 Northumberland Highway, Lottsburg. To benefit Northumberland County Animal Shelter.
Heritage Arts Workshop, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Rice’s Hotel/Hughlett’s Tavern, 73 Monument Place, Heathsville. Blacksmithing 101. $150. Continues March 31, April 6-7. Register at, or 580-3377.
Bird Walk, 9 a.m. Hutchinson Tract, Rappahannock River Valley National Wildlife Refuge,19180 Tidewater Trail, Tappahannock. Sponsor: Northern Neck Audubon Society.
Forum On Racial Understanding: Finding Stratford’s Enslaved Stories, 10 a.m.-noon. Stratford Hall, 483 Great House Road, Stratford. Lecture, tour. Speaker: Dr. Kelley Fanto Deetz. For reservations, contact, 493-1972,
Art Workshop, 10 a.m.-3 p.m. RAL Art Center, 19 North Main Street, Kilmarnock. Topic: Altering Images: Photographic Transfers for Painting, Printmaking and Collage. Instructor: Blythe King. Fees, materials, registration, 436-9309.
Menokin Speaker Series, 3 p.m. Lecture Hall, Rappahannock Community College, 52 Campus Drive, Warsaw. Documentary: The Long Shadow. Register at or 333-1776.
Gospel Concert, 4 p.m. Living Water Lutheran Church, 83 Bluff Point Road, Kilmarnock. Warriors for Christ, Faithful Few, Anointed Voices for Christ, Wings of Praise, Queen Esther Youth Choir and Anointed Praise Dancers. To support Wings of Praise trip to perform at the Rhythm of Gospel Awards in Baton Rouge, La.
Acoustic Night With Fred Stevenson and Don Lee, 7:30-10:30 p.m. Kilmarnock BrewHaus, 44 West Church Street, Kilmarnock. 436-6207.
HonkyTonk Heroes, 8 p.m. Walkabout Creek, 606 Chesapeake Drive, White Stone. 436-1327.
31 Sunday
AA, 7:30 p.m. White Stone UMC.
AA, 5:30 p.m. Henderson UMC.
Pat Moore, 4-7 p.m. Horn Harbor Restaurant, 836 Horn Harbor Road, Burgess. 453-3351.
1 Monday
AA, noon. Palmer Hall.
AA, 8 p.m. Fairfields Baptist.
Weight Watchers, 5:30 p.m. St. Andrews Presbyterian, Kilmarnock.
Free Screenings, 9-11 a.m. Northern Neck Family YMCA, 39 William B. Graham Court, Kilmarnock. Blood pressure screenings conducted by Bon Secours Rappahannock General Hospital staff.
Viewpoints, 11 a.m. Chesapeake Center Auditorium, Rappahannock Westminster-Canterbury, 132 Lancaster Drive, Irvington. Speaker: Mary Jane “MJ” Anderson. By reservation, 438-4000.
Irvington Caregiver/Persons With Dementia Support Group, 4:30-5:30 p.m. Rappahannock Westminster-Canterbury, 132 Lancaster Drive, Irvington. Sponsor: Alzheimer’s Association Greater Richmond Chapter. 967-2580.
Fried Chicken Dinner, 5-6:30 p.m. American Legion Post 117, 39 School Street, Reedville.
Winter/Spring Lecture, 7 p.m. Festival Halle, 177 Main Street, Reedville. Sponsor: Reedville Fishermen’s Museum. Speaker: Bill Lohmann. Topic: DR COPTR, The Flying Physician Who Kept His Promise to Tangier Island. Light refreshments. $5.
2 Tuesday
Al-Anon AFG, 4:30 p.m. Kilmarnock Baptist.
Alateen, 4:30 p.m. Kilmarnock Baptist Church.
AA, 7 and 8 p.m. Palmer Hall.
AA, 7 p.m. St. Mary’s White Chapel Episcopal.
Kilmarnock & District Pipe Band, 7:15 p.m. Campbell Memorial Presbyterian, Weems. 453-7062.
Volunteers Needed, 8 a.m.-2 p.m. Help Lancaster/Northumberland Habitat for Humanity build a house. 435-3461 or
Indoor Yard Sale, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Northumberland School Administration Building, 2172 Northumberland Highway, Lottsburg. To benefit Northumberland County Animal Shelter.
Heathsville Forge Blacksmith Guild, 10 a.m.-noon. Rice’s Hotel/Hughlett’s Tavern. 580-3377.
Tavern Quilt Guild, 9:30 a.m. coffee, 10 a.m. quilting. Rice’s Hotel/Hughlett’s Tavern. 580-3377.
Art Workshop, 10 .m.-4 p.m. RAL Art Center, 19 North Main Street, Kilmarnock. Topic: Nantucket Basket. Instructor: Judy Penry. For fees, materials and registration, visit the center or call 436-9309.
Blood Drive, noon-6 p.m. St. Stephens Church, 6807 Northumberland Highway, Heathsville. Sponsor: American Red Cross, Northumberland County Chapter. Drink plenty of water, eat a good meal bring photo identification. To make a reservation, call 1-800-733-2777, or 580-4933.
Duplicate Bridge, 1 p.m. Lancaster Women’s Club, $5.
Tavern Culinary Guild, 2 p.m. Rice’s Hotel/Hughlett’s Tavern. 580-3377.
3 Wednesday
AA, 7:30 p.m. Trinity Episcopal, Lancaster.
AA, noon. Women’s meeting, Irvington UMC.
Al-Anon Family Group, 5:30 p.m. Trinity Episcopal Church, 8484 Mary Ball Road, Lancaster.
Northern Neck Rotary, 7:30 a.m. Lee’s Restaurant, Kilmarnock.
Kiwanis Club, 7:30 a.m. St. Andrews Presbyterian, Kilmarnock.
Tavern Spinners & Weavers, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Rice’s Hotel/Hughlett’s Tavern, 73 Monument Place, Heathsville. Studio and store open. 580-3377.
KIWS Rotary, noon, Rappahannock Westminster-Canterbury. 436-3176.
Rappahannock Amateur Radio Association, noon. Lee’s Restaurant, Kilmarnock.
Woman’s Club Of White Stone, 11:30 a.m. WCWS Clubhouse, 560 Chesapeake Drive, White Stone. Speaker: Lisa Heishman. Topic: Bon Secours Rappahannock General Hospital. Bring a sandwich. Chips, drink and dessert provided.
Community Lenten Luncheon,12:05 p.m. Calvary Baptist Church, 490 East Church Street, Kilmarnock. Speaker: Dr. Susan Moseley, pastor, Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of the Rappahannock.
Lenten Soup & Speaker Series, 6 p.m. Stephen’s Episcopal Church, 6807 Northumberland Highway, Heathsville. Speakers: Sandy Kirkpatrick and Diane Carole. Topic: “Pilgrimage.”
Open Mic With Fred Stevenson, 7:30-10:30 p.m. Kilmarnock BrewHaus, 44 West Church Street, Kilmarnock. 436-6207.
4 Thursday
AA, 8 p.m. De Sales Hall and Kilmarnock UMC.
Volunteers Needed, 8 a.m.-2 p.m. Help Lancaster/Northumberland Habitat for Humanity build a house. 435-3461, or
Heathsville Forge Blacksmith Guild, 10 a.m.-noon. Rice’s Hotel/Hughlett’s Tavern. 580-3377.
Bay Tones Barbershop Chorus, 7-8:30 p.m. St. Andrews Presbyterian, Kilmarnock. Rehearsals. New singers, men and women.
Kilmarnock Town Council Committees, 8:30 a.m. Town Hall, 1 North Main Street, Kilmarnock.
Duplicate Bridge, 1 p.m. Woman’s Club of White Stone. $5. 580-1983.
Northern Neck Shaggers, 6 p.m. KC’s Crabs & Cues, 10428 Jessie duPont Memorial Highway, Kilmarnock. Beginner lesson, followed by beyond beginner lesson at 7 p.m., line dancing review and lesson at 8 p.m. and open dancing until 9 p.m.
Cameron Ashton, 6-8 p.m. Horn Harbor Restaurant, 836 Horn Harbor Road, Burgess. 453-3351.
White Stone Town Council, 7 p.m. Town Hall, 433 Rappahannock Drive, White Stone.
Todd Murray, 7-9 p.m. Willaby’s, 327 Old Ferry Road, White Stone. 435-0000.
NNAllstars, 7:30-10:30 p.m. Kilmarnock BrewHaus, 44 West Church Street, Kilmarnock. 436-6207.