11 Thursday
AA, 8 p.m. De Sales Hall and Kilmarnock UMC.
Volunteers Needed, 8 a.m.-2 p.m. Help Lancaster/Northumberland Habitat for Humanity build a house. 435-3461, or LNHabitat.org.
Heathsville Forge Blacksmith Guild, 10 a.m.-noon. Rice’s Hotel/Hughlett’s Tavern. 580-3377.
Bay Tones Barbershop Chorus, 7-8:30 p.m. St. Andrews Presbyterian, Kilmarnock. Rehearsals. New singers, men and women.
Networking Brunch, 10 a.m. Commonwealth Senior Living at Kilmarnock, 460 South Main Street, Kilmarnock. Speaker: Bryna Brennan, Trainer, Service Dogs – Canine Companions for Independence. RSVP, 435-9896, ext. 107.
Storytime, 10-11 a.m. Lancaster Community Library, 16 Town Centre Drive, Kilmarnock. Ages 2 years and older. 435-1729.
Greatest Dance Show, 10:45-11:30 a.m. Lancaster Community Library, 16 Town Centre Drive, Kilmarnock. Kristen Blackwell will present The Greatest Dance Show Live in Motion. All ages. 435-1729.
Farnham Caregiver Support Group, 12:30-1:30 p.m. Commonwealth Senior Living at Farnham, 511 Cedar Grove Road, Farnham. Sponsor: Alzheimer’s Association Greater Richmond Chapter. 967-2580.
Duplicate Bridge, 1 p.m. Woman’s Club of White Stone. $5. 438-5256.
STEAM, 1:30-2:30 p.m. Lancaster Community Library, 16 Town Centre Drive, Kilmarnock. Topic: Pollution affecting the waters. For ages 5-8 years. 435-1729.
Northumberland Supervisors, 5:30 p.m. Northumberland County Courts Building, 39 Judicial Place, Heathsville. Public hearings, 7 p.m.
Northern Neck Shaggers, 6 p.m. KC’s Crabs & Cues, 10428 Jessie duPont Memorial Highway, Kilmarnock. Beginner lesson, followed by beyond beginner lesson at 7 p.m., line dancing review and lesson at 8 p.m. and open dancing until 9 p.m.
Irvington Town Council, 6:30 p.m. Town Hall, 235 Steamboat Road, Irvington.
White Stone Town Council, 7 p.m. Town Hall, 433 Rappahannock Drive, White Stone.
Northumberland County Lions Lions Club, 7 p.m. Reedville Market, 729 Main Street, Reedville.
Dave Crumpler & Mike Glass Duo, 7-9 p.m. Willaby’s, 327 Old Ferry Road, White Stone. 435-0000.
Mercy Creek, 7:30-11 p.m. Kilmarnock BrewHaus, 44 West Church Street, Kilmarnock. 436-6207.
12 Friday
AA, noon. Trinity Episcopal, Lancaster.
AA, 8 p.m. Calvary Baptist, Kilmarnock.
AA, 8 p.m. St. Andrews Presbyterian, Kilmarnock.
Al-Anon, noon. Bay Center for Spiritual Development, 31 Noblett Lane, Kilmarnock. 588-9224.
Tavern Woodworker’s Guild, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Rice’s Hotel/Hughlett’s Tavern, 73 Monument Place, Heathsville. 580-3377.
Indoor Yard Sale, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Friends of Northumberland County Animal Shelter Thrift Shop, 2172 Northumberland Highway, Lottsburg.
FIRST Robotics Class, 4-5 p.m. Lancaster Community Library, 16 Town Centre Drive, Kilmarnock. Grades 7-12. Design, build and program robots for The FIRST Robotics Competition. Call Jessica Cutler, 296-6278. Walk-ins welcome.
Bob Wilson, 5-9 p.m. Good Luck Cellars, 1025 Goodluck Road, Kilmarnock. 435-1416.
Pianist David Graham, 6-9 p.m. Hope and Glory Inn, 65 Tavern Road, Irvington.
Something Different Duo, 7:30-10 p.m. Sunsets on the Tides Terrace, The Tides Inn, 480 King Carter Drive, Irvington. 438-5000.
Blues Night With Cody Brockman On Drums, 7:30-11 p.m. Kilmarnock BrewHaus, 44 West Church Street, Kilmarnock. 436-6207.
Rappahannock Crossing, 8-11 p.m. Willaby’s, 327 Old Ferry Road, White Stone. 435-0000.
13 Saturday
AA, 7:30 p.m. Irvington Baptist.
AA, 8 p.m. Heathsville UMC.
Heathsville Forge Blacksmith Guild, 10 a.m.-noon. Rice’s Hotel/Hughlett’s Tavern. 580-3377.
Tavern Spinners & Weavers, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Rice’s Hotel/Hughlett’s Tavern, 73 Monument Place, Heathsville. Studio and store open. 580-3377.
Indoor Yard Sale, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Friends of Northumberland County Animal Shelter Thrift Shop, 2172 Northumberland Highway, Lottsburg.
Car Wash, 8 a.m.-2 p.m. Lancaster County government complex, 8311 Mary Ball Road, Lancaster. Bake sale, lemonade stand. To benefit Youth Empowerment Success Strategies.
Art Workshop, 10 a.m.-3 p.m. RAL Art Center, 19 North Main Street, Kilmarnock. Topic: Oil Painting for Beginners. Instructor: Cate Kauffman. Continues July 14. For fees, materials and registration, visit the center, ralartcenter.com, or call 436-9309.
Annual Meeting, 10:30 a.m. Northumberland County Historical Society, 86 Back Street, Heathsville. Morning session speaker (11 a.m.): Jack Yunker. Topic: The World War II Liberty ships and the SS John W. Brown. Afternoon session speaker (1:30 p.m.): Peter Armstrong. Topic: 1619: A Year of Change. Buffett lunch, St. Stephen’s Episcopal, $15 per person. Lunch reservations due by July 10, checks payable to NCHS. 580-8581, northumberlandvahistory.org.
Fish Fry, 11 a.m. Holley Graded School Museum & Art Gallery, 2439 Northumberland Highway, Lottsburg. Barbecue, fish, sandwiches, dinners, eat in or take. Museum tours. Wreath maker Shanna Bowles.
Lively Slow Pitch Softball League Reunion, 11 a.m.-10 p.m. Upper Lancaster Volunteer Fire Department Pavilion, 4508 Mary Ball Road, Lively. Memorial service, horseshoes, volleyball, plinko, cornhole, strike zone, home run contest, barbecue, oldies dance with a DJ, fireworks. $25. By advance ticket only. Tickets at: The Corner, Chesapeake Bank, Bill’s Auto Body in Lively; Noblett Inc., Virginia Farm Bureau, Bay & River Home Decor, Barbour Printing in Kilmarnock; Newsome’s Auto Body in Heathsville; House of Music, Antique Outfitters, White Stone Pharmacy in White Stone; Newsome’s Restaurant in Burgess. LivelySoftballReunion@gmail.com.
Raise The Roof Craft Beer Festival, 1-6 p.m. Historic Christ Church & Museum, 420 Christ Church Road, Weems. Craft beers, wines, barbecue, homemade ice cream. Music by Bobby “BlackHat” Walters Band and Good Shot Judy. $55 adults, $20 younger than 21. Purchase tickets at www.christchurch1735.org.
Pianist David Graham, 6-9 p.m. Hope and Glory Inn, 65 Tavern Road, Irvington.
The NewOldz, 6-8 p.m. Music by the River, Picnic Area, Belle Isle State Park, 1632 Belle Isle Road, Lancaster. 462-5030.
Sierra Band Trio, 7:30-10 p.m. Sunsets on the Tides Terrace, The Tides Inn, 480 King Carter Drive, Irvington. 438-5000.
NN Allstars, 7:30-11 p.m. Kilmarnock BrewHaus, 44 West Church Street, Kilmarnock. 436-6207.
Sounds Of Summer, 7:30 p.m. doors open, 8 p.m. show. Virginia’s Li’l Ole Opry, Harry M. Ward Auditorium, Mathews High School, 9889 Buckley Hall Road, Mathews. $12 adults, $5 ages 12 and younger. Tickets will be available at the door.
14 Sunday
AA, 7:30 p.m. White Stone UMC.
AA, 5:30 p.m. Henderson UMC.
Acoustic Sundays, 1-7 p.m. Kilmarnock BrewHaus, 44 West Church Street, Kilmarnock. 436-6207.
Sangria Sundays, noon-5 p.m. Good Luck Cellars, 1025 Goodluck Road, Kilmarnock. 435-1416.
Mercy Creek, 3-6 p.m. Tiki Bar & Grill at Windmill Point, 40 Windjammer Lane, White Stone.
Memory Lane Car Club, 3 p.m. meeting, 4 p.m. cruise in. Pilot House Restaurant, 2737 Greys Point Road, Topping. Owners of all collector vehicles are invited to attend both events.
15 Monday
AA, noon. Palmer Hall.
AA, 8 p.m. Fairfields Baptist.
Weight Watchers, 5:30 p.m. St. Andrews Presbyterian, Kilmarnock.
Overeaters Anonymous, 7 p.m. Bay Center for Spiritual Development, 31 Noblett Lane, Kilmarnock. 690-3142.
Take A Giant Leap, 10:30-11:30 a.m. Northumberland Family YMCA, 6348 Northumberland Highway, Heathsville. Rainbow Puppets. All ages. 580-5051.
STEAM, 1:30-2:30 p.m. Lancaster Community Library, 16 Town Centre Drive, Kilmarnock. Independent 4-H project. For ages 9-12 years. 435-1729.
Book Group, 2-4 p.m. Lancaster Community Library, 16 Town Centre Drive, Kilmarnock. Book: Dr. Copter, by Bill Lohmann. 435-1729.
NASA Live Webcast Event, 4-5 p.m. Northumberland Public Library, 7204 Northumberland Highway, Heathsville. Guided recreation of the Apollo 11 voyage. 580-5051.
Kilmarnock Town Council, 7 p.m. Town Hall, 1 North Main Street, Kilmarnock.
16 Tuesday
Al-Anon AFG, 4:30 p.m. Kilmarnock Baptist.
Alateen, 4:30 p.m. Kilmarnock Baptist Church.
AA, 7 and 8 p.m. Palmer Hall.
AA, 7 p.m. St. Mary’s White Chapel Episcopal.
Kilmarnock & District Pipe Band, 7:15 p.m. Campbell Memorial Presbyterian, Weems. 453-7062.
Volunteers Needed, 8 a.m.-2 p.m. Help Lancaster/Northumberland Habitat for Humanity build a house. 435-3461 or LNHabitat.org.
Indoor Yard Sale, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Friends of Northumberland County Animal Shelter Thrift Shop, 2172 Northumberland Highway, Lottsburg.
Heathsville Forge Blacksmith Guild, 10 a.m.-noon. Rice’s Hotel/Hughlett’s Tavern. 580-3377.
Junior Ranger Program, 9 a.m.-noon. Belle Isle State Park, 1632 Belle Isle Road, Lancaster. Theme: “Good Neighbors.”Ages 7-10. Programs, light snacks, drinks. Continues July 17-18. $6 per day. Advance registration required. Call 462-5030.
Butterfly Identification Workshop, 9:30-11:30 a.m. Lancaster Community Library, 16 Town Centre Drive, Kilmarnock. Sponsor: Northern Neck Chapter of the Virginia Master Naturalists. Speaker: Teta Kain. Registration urged, pec11908@mac.com.
Duplicate Bridge, 1 p.m. Lancaster Women’s Club, $5.
Lancaster NAACP, 6 p.m. Lancaster Community Library, 16 Town Centre Drive, Kilmarnock.
Northumberland County Economic Development Commission, 7 p.m. Old Courthouse, 72 Monument Place, Heathsville.
Buck Moon Paddle, 8-10 p.m. Menokin, 4037 Menokin Road, Warsaw. Moonlight paddle on Cat Point Creek. $40. Register at www.menokin.org, or 333-1776.
17 Wednesday
AA, 7:30 p.m. Trinity Episcopal, Lancaster.
AA, noon. Women’s meeting, Irvington UMC.
Al-Anon Family Group, 5:30 p.m. Trinity Episcopal Church, 8484 Mary Ball Road, Lancaster.
Kiwanis Club, 7:30 a.m. St. Andrews Presbyterian, Kilmarnock.
Northern Neck Rotary, 7:30 a.m. Lee’s Restaurant, Kilmarnock.
Tavern Spinners & Weavers, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Rice’s Hotel/Hughlett’s Tavern, 73 Monument Place, Heathsville. Studio and store open. 580-3377.
KIWS Rotary, noon, Rappahannock Westminster-Canterbury. 436-3176.
Rappahannock Amateur Radio Association, noon. Lee’s Restaurant, Kilmarnock.
Storytime, 10-11 a.m. Lancaster Community Library, 16 Town Centre Drive, Kilmarnock. Ages 2 years and older. Topic: Showoff Your Masterpiece with Art & Creativity. 435-1729.
Children’s Author, 10-11:30 a.m. Lancaster Community Library, 16 Town Centre Drive, Kilmarnock. Author: Mary Ann Olsen. Book: Little Cousins Birthdays. For each book sold, $5 will go to the children’s library.
Blastoff Story Time, 10-11 a.m. Northumberland Public Library, 7204 Northumberland Highway, Heathsville. For ages 3 and older. Mission: Apollo 11. 580-5051.
Pollinators, 11 a.m. Transportation Museum Building, Rice’s Hotel/Hughlett’s Tavern, 73 Monument Place, Heathsville. Sponsor: Northern Neck Master Gardener. Speaker: Tim McCoy.
Lancaster County Broadband Authority, 4:30 p.m. County Administration Building, 8311 Mary Ball Road, Lancaster. 435-1468.
Rappahannock Indivisible, 7 p.m. Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of the Rappahannock, 366 James Wharf Road, White Stone. Virginia Senate District 4 candidates invited to speak.
Open Mic, 7:30-11 p.m. Kilmarnock BrewHaus, 44 West Church Street, Kilmarnock. 436-6207.
Glen Shelton, 7:30-10 p.m. Sunsets on the Tides Terrace, The Tides Inn, 480 King Carter Drive, Irvington. 438-5000.
18 Thursday
AA, 8 p.m. De Sales Hall and Kilmarnock UMC.
Volunteers Needed, 8 a.m.-2 p.m. Help Lancaster/Northumberland Habitat for Humanity build a house. 435-3461, or LNHabitat.org.
Heathsville Forge Blacksmith Guild, 10 a.m.-noon. Rice’s Hotel/Hughlett’s Tavern. 580-3377.
Bay Tones Barbershop Chorus, 7-8:30 p.m. St. Andrews Presbyterian, Kilmarnock. Rehearsals. New singers, men and women.
Science Tellers Present, 10:30-11`:30 a.m. Lancaster Community Library, 16 Town Centre Drive, Kilmarnock. Topic: Aliens Escape from Earth. For all ages. 435-1729.
Virginia Aeronautical Historical Society, 11:30 a.m. Pilot House Restaurant, 2737 Greys Point Road, Topping. Speaker: Ray Gill. Topic: “Aviation in Virginia from 1801-1935.”
Duplicate Bridge, 1 p.m. Woman’s Club of White Stone. $5. 438-5256.
STEAM, 1:30-2:30 p.m. Lancaster Community Library, 16 Town Centre Drive, Kilmarnock. Topic: Dirt, Dirt and more Dirt; Planting. For ages 5-8 years. 435-1729.
Alzheimer’s–The Caregiver’s Perspective, 2-3:30 p.m. Commonwealth Senior Living at Kilmarnock, 460 South Main Street, Kilmarnock. Movie and discussion.
Northern Neck Shaggers, 6 p.m. KC’s Crabs & Cues, 10428 Jessie duPont Memorial Highway, Kilmarnock. Beginner lesson, followed by beyond beginner lesson at 7 p.m., line dancing review and lesson at 8 p.m. and open dancing until 9 p.m.
Music On The Half Shell Stage, 6 p.m. Town Centre Park, 150 North Main Street, Kilmarnock. Opener: Sons of Bach. Headliner: Stuck On A Name. By season pass, or $10 at the gate.
Family Movie Night, 6:30-9 p.m. Tibitha Church of God, 991 Fleeton Road, Reedville. 580-5051.
Bob Wilson, 7-9 p.m. Willaby’s, 327 Old Ferry Road, White Stone. 435-0000.
Northumberland Planning Commission, 7 p.m. Northumberland County Courts Building, 220 Judicial Place, Heathsville.
Lancaster Planning Commission, 7 p.m. County Administration Building, 8311 Mary Ball Road, Lancaster.
Blues Night, 7:30-11 p.m. Kilmarnock BrewHaus, 44 West Church Street, Kilmarnock. 436-6207.