by Jackie Nunnery
LANCASTER—Big changes are coming to the Kilmarnock Convenience Center Refuse Site, 320 White Pine Drive, Weems. Supervisors on Thursday, December 12, awarded a contract to J.C. Franklin Inc. in the amount of $424,314.86 for related site work.
According to county administrator Don Gill the center will double in size and have a new traffic pattern that should help alleviate bottlenecks. He added that a third compactor will be installed after site work is completed as well as buildings to store recyclables. The refuse site will remain open during construction and work is expected to take 180 days from the execution of the contract.
The board voted 4-0 to approve the contract with Craig Giese, Ernest Palin, Jason Bellows and Bill Lee voting in favor. William Smith was absent. In a separate vote, the board voted 4-0 to make a change order burying electrical lines at the site.
In a 4-0 vote, supervisors approved a special exception request by Samuel and Karen Matthews to expand an existing authorized non-conforming single-story garage. The property is on Riverside Drive in Morattico. S. Matthews said they want to add a second story to the garage to create a home office.
In addition to being ranked tenth in the state for “overall gains in our SOL test scores,” superintendent Jessica Davis said there are “many things to be proud of” as schools reach the mid-point….