by Megan Schiffres
The fantastical adventures of 18th century privateer Nicholas Fallon continue in William Westbrook’s second historical fiction novel, The Black Ring.
The novel, which will be released Friday, November 9, takes place on the turbulent waters of the Caribbean in 1798, where Great Britain, Spain and France were battling for dominance at the time.
A book launch party will begin at 5:30 p.m. at the Tides Inn and will feature a cocktail reception followed by a reading and book signing. Tickets are $55 per person, $80 per couple in advance. Tickets may be purchased at http://www.tidesinn.com/tidesevents/, or 438-5000.
“Lot of opportunities when you write about that period for battles and for romance and for connecting the dots of history,” Westbrook said. “This is a book that connects dots with a fictional character that sort of sails from dot to dot, from something that really happened…