“Journey to Bethlehem,” an after-dark drive-through nativity will be presented from 5-8 p.m. December 14 at the Saint Andrews Presbyterian Church parking lot, 435 East Church Street, Kilmarnock.
It will feature real actors and live animals, reported Barbara Pulling. Eight churches have again come together and will present the beautiful story of Jesus’ birth in a meaningful and exciting way.
The event is free and open to the public, said Pulling. The partnering churches include Abiding Faith Baptist, Calvary Baptist, Campbell Memorial Presbyterian, Kilmarnock Baptist, Kilmarnock United Methodist, Living Water Lutheran, Shachah World Ministries and Saint Andrews.
Visitors may bring canned goods or a monetary donation to “Journey to Bethlehem” as donations to the Healthy Harvest Food Bank. The rain date will be December 15.