Virginia Board of Education moves forward on accountability reforms 

To ensure students and schools have the support they need, the Virginia Board of Education has voted to transform the state’s confusing accreditation system to have a clear accountability model through the new School Performance and Support Framework, according to a Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) press release.

Redesigning Virginia schools’ current accreditation system to identify tiered supports that the VDOE will partner with schools to implement, the Framework provides critical performance information by school, grade level and federally identified student groups such as English learners, Black students and students with disabilities.

With four performance categories, Distinguished, On Track, Off Track, Needs Intensive Support, the new Framework clearly states how a school is performing and allows parents, families and educators to have a better understanding of the successes and challenges present in their children’s schools and clearly see who is growing towards mastery, who is meeting and exceeding grade level targets and which schools are preparing students to be ready for their next phase of life.

“The board has been focused on having a more accurate and clearer accountability system that better reflects the academic performance of Virginia’s schools,” said president Grace Creasey. “Virginia’s parents, communities, and students deserve to know….

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